Al Tamimi & Company is the only law firm in the region with a dedicated China group and stands as the premier legal partner for Chinese clients, offering comprehensive assistance with all of their legal requirements.

Exceptional legal support tailored to Chinese clients

Our team of lawyers, proficient in various languages, embodies diversity and expertise. Within our China group, we have lawyers fluent in Chinese, possessing a profound understanding of Chinese culture and business practices. This cultural acumen ensures that our clients’ needs are not only met but also comprehensively understood and addressed.

The primary reason our clients choose us is our ability to provide a single point of contact for their legal needs throughout the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. With a flexible approach, we assist clients in attaining long-term success. This commitment is evident in our client relationships and effective cost management.

Our unparalleled knowledge of the MENA region sets us apart. With 17 offices spanning 10 countries, we possess an extensive network capable of supporting Chinese clients across the entire region. Our firm stands as the foremost authority on local laws and business practices, fortified by well-established relationships with local regulators. Consequently, our lawyers possess the expertise to effectively solve problems and achieve desired outcomes.

Leading legal knowledge and sector understanding in the MENA region

Our regional expertise is complemented by our comprehensive legal knowledge. Chinese clients can leverage the specialized skills of our entire network, which encompasses construction, corporate commercial, intellectual property, real estate, tax, and corporate structuring. In the event of any issues, our firm boasts the largest dispute resolution team in the region, capable of providing arbitration and litigation support.

Furthermore, we possess in-depth understanding of key sectors in the MENA region, including energy and resources, healthcare and life sciences, technology, media, and telecommunications, as well as shipping, aviation, and logistics. This expertise allows us to offer tailored legal solutions specifically designed to meet the unique challenges and opportunities within these sectors.

By choosing Al Tamimi & Company, Chinese clients gain access to unrivalled legal services, combining comprehensive regional knowledge, deep legal expertise, and a client-centric approach. With us as their legal partner, they can navigate the MENA region’s intricate legal landscape with confidence, paving the way for successful ventures and enduring partnerships.

If you have any inquiries, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at the following email address.


达弥中东律师事务所(Al Tamimi & Company )是中东北非地区唯一一家拥有专设中国业务部门的律师事务所。作为中国客户在该地区首选的法律合作伙伴,我们致力于为客户提供全面的法律支持与协助。




我们的中国业务部门以本所开展业务的十个国家(阿联酋、沙特阿拉伯、卡塔尔、巴林、阿曼、科威特、埃及、伊拉克、约旦和摩洛哥)的十七家办公室为依托, 与本所内的其他专业律师团队并肩协作,统筹调度我们律所在中东北非地区内的专业律师网络,以此有效响应中国客户的需求。与此同时,作为中东北非地区最负盛名的律师事务所之一,本所也与该地区内不同国家的相关监管部门长期葆有良好关系。因此,我们的律师具备为客户解决问题和协助客户实现预期结果的专业能力。






Key Contacts

Thomas Calvert

Partner, Head of Corporate Commercial - Iraq, Head of China Group
Justin Jie Zhang

Senior Counsel
Melody Huang

Kay Ng

Associate of Banking
China Group
Jingzhuo Wu

China Group Coordinator