September 24, 2019

Part 3: State of Cybersecurity – What Does It Mean for You?: A Conversation with Coordinates

Cyberthreats can impact invoicing, shipping, manufacturing, brand value and consumer confidence. Cybersecurity is not only a responsibility for Chief Information Officers, it requires a fundamental transformation of your firm’s processes.

Part 3 of our cybersecurity series, “What does it mean for you?”, outlines how can you future-proof your firm’s digital footprint. In the last part of an exchange hosted by Martin Hayward, Head of Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Tarek Ghoul, CEO of cybersecurity firm, Coordinates Middle East, lays out some considerations for firms attempting to improve their cyberdefense.


Watch the full series to stay up to date with cybersecurity in the Middle East.

Part 1: State of Cybersecurity – Globally: A Conversation with Coordinates

Part 2: State of Cybersecurity – In the Middle East: A Conversation with Coordinates


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