In conversation with Dr Raja Easa Al Gurg, Vice Chairperson and Managing Director, Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group

An illustration of Dr Raja Easa Al Gurg, Vice Chairperson and Managing Director, Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group.


Is the Centennial Plan already being included into your objectives?

As a significant contributor to the economy with six decades of business acumen and expertise, several elements of the Centennial plan will be part of Easa Saleh Al Gurg’s strategic objectives this year and beyond.

As a multifaceted conglomerate ESAG continues to evolve, while balancing emerging global challenges that shape future progress. We believe in being at the forefront in aligning our operations to cohesively match the trade and economic goals of the nation.


What are the top three priorities of implementing the Centennial Plan in the Al Gurg Group?

Our priorities based on the draft plan would focus on:

  • Building Emirati values and ethics for the future generations. This ties in with the intrinsic DNA of our Group and the values instilled more than six decades ago by our Chairman and founder HE Easa Saleh Al Gurg. Over the decades ESAG has built an admirable portfolio of complementary businesses and partnerships that are reflective of its values. Adopting a strategy of sustainable, organic growth in its core areas of strength, the Group has implemented sound business practices anchored on loyalty, transparency and honesty.
  • Raising productivity of the national economy. Operating across diverse sectors that seamlessly integrate both expertise and product variation, we continue to offer solutions that support the country’s evolving infrastructure within the Industrial, Retail, Consumer as well as Building & Construction sectors.
  • Enhancing society’s cohesion. Our ongoing CSR initiatives focus on giving back to the community and wellness within our own workforce; the Al Gurg Charity Foundation is an able and reliable partner of government initiatives that focus on establishing a secure, empathetic and ethical society besides offering a better quality of life to those who require assistance


Our ongoing CSR initiatives focus on giving back to the community and wellness within our own workforce; the Al Gurg Charity Foundation is an able and reliable partner of government initiatives that focus on establishing a secure, empathetic and ethical society besides offering a better quality of life to those who require assistance.


What is the most challenging element of implementing a 50 year plan into your objectives now?

To keep constantly evolving to meet future needs and build successful and valued business outcomes. To optimally balance Artificial Intelligence and Social Intelligence within our leadership and staff, which requires greater creativity and partnering with like-minded organisations.

There is less time to play it safe and a need to move to a position of learning from new realities. The future focus will need to encompass skills of adaptability, innovation, and courage.


Dubai is on the global map of business cities: what must we keep in mind to progress and remain on this map in the new normal and beyond?

One of the factors that distinguishes Dubai from other global business hubs is the strong value proposition it offers to companies, investors and top talent from around the world. The emirate continues to drive global interest by adding new competitive advantages and incentives.

The government’s forward-looking vision and proactive approach in adapting to changing market dynamics has resulted in several measures being introduced. These include long-term residency visas, a virtual working programme and most recently, a strategic move to grant UAE citizenship to select foreigners.

Going forward, start-ups and SMEs are expected to play a much bigger role in fostering a culture of innovation and supporting Dubai’s transition to a digitally driven economy in the post-COVID era. In the Dubai of the future, innovation, knowledge and intangible assets will be the key growth drivers and elevate the emirate’s standing in the global arena.


How can the government best influence the private sector to align with the goals of the plan?

Dubai is a leading example of a city that has fast tracked economic development through close public-private sector co-operation. For instance, the emirate’s success in dealing with COVID-19 and the gradual reopening of the economy would not have been possible without the seamless collaboration between government and business stakeholders who aligned their efforts to ensure compliance and develop effective solutions.

As a bridge between Dubai’s government and businesses, Dubai Chamber plays a crucial role in facilitating public-private sector partnerships that foster economic growth and innovation. While our leadership lays the groundwork for UAE’s post-COVID-19 economic recovery and prepares for the next 50 years, we are now exploring new ways to involve the private sector in important discussions and plans that will shape the nation’s future.